Some catching up to do….

A year and a half. That’s how long it’s been since I’ve posted anything to this blog. I have great excuses, though. Full-time work, full-time graduate school, and just full-time life in general. There have been lots of twists and turns throughout the last year and a half. Since I started working only 24 hours a week as of January 1st, I have been hoping to blog again. When you wait a year and a half between posts, though, where do you start up again? I feel like I have so much material, so many projects, and so many pictures to share. I guess I will just start with… today.




Here I’m attempting to dig us out. I think we had about 14-16 inches.


The dogs had mixed ideas about all the powdery stuff. Penny ran back to the house as fast as she could…

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Buddy thought it was a new playground.


As for the humans, we mostly sequestered ourselves indoors, although we did make a quick trip out for a few supplies. Walmart is actually a relatively calm place in the midst of a blizzard. We got stuck on the way back and got to experience the best and the worst of Martinsburg, as one man climbed out of his Subaru to help us push and another man swore at him for stopping in the intersection. When the first man replied, “If you would have come and helped us push we would have been out of here five minutes ago,” the second man swore some more, backed his Jetta with chains into a nearby parking lot, and sped away.

I finished painting some child-sized blocks today. Robin made them out of some wood he had on hand and I think they are adorable. Going to add a coat of shellac and then add them to our slowly-accumulating stash of kiddo toys.

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I also have done quite a lot of knitting in the last year and half (no surprise there) and will try to slowly add photos of some of my favorite projects as time allows. This is Array, knit in bulky yarn (Bernat wool I think), and it’s been a really great cowl for the winter we have had so far. It’s toasty.

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About simplyactualized

I want to share my thoughts. Specifically, I want to share my thoughts about the adventures of knitting, cooking, and care-taking a large, beautiful house.
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2 Responses to Some catching up to do….

  1. Janine says:

    Hi! Good to hear from you again! Hugs

  2. I love that scarf! Your snow looks about like ours šŸ™‚

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